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What is your background?


I completed my Undergraduate degree in Drama at Liverpool John Moores in 2021. I continued to be a cover supervisor at HCCS whilst at the same time completing the last year of my degree through Covid until July.


Why did you decide to go into teaching?


I have always wanted to be a teacher. When deciding what to do after university it was just a case of where I wanted to further my studies in teaching. Drama has always been a passion of mine and having a job where I can reflect that and share my passion is what made this decision so easy and rewarding for me.


What do you enjoy about teaching?


Everything! I get to be a drama practitioner every day and share my enthusiasm and passion for such a diverse subject. The fact that I get to wake up every morning and drive to a job that is so rewarding, influential and where every day is different is something that everyone should want. Not once have I had an average, dull or quiet day!


Learning, laughter and creativity has been a part of my days every step of the way and I wouldn't want to change it.


Why did you choose the School Centred Initial Teacher Training route and the Cheshire East SCITT?


I wanted to get thrown in at the deep end from the get go, and the Cheshire East SCITT meant doing exactly this. I got to go at my own pace from the beginning by observing in my placement schools to teaching starters or plenaries to in my third week there teaching full lessons. I have been well supported throughout this experience and the fact that it was about 5 minutes away from my house was a bonus! It is so different from a usual university course, we get to be in a school from September, it’s smaller therefore personalised and more supportive. I will forever be grateful that we were given the length of placements that we did as it made the classroom a less intimidating place.


Do you have a job for next year and what are you looking forward to?


My job for next year is actually outside the Cheshire East SCITT cohort, although I have already been reassured that they will continue to support me where possible. I am looking forward to having my own form and classes, getting to share my passion with even more students and using all the techniques I have learnt this year on subject days and Friday sessions. Knowing that the knowledge I share within Drama will make a difference on the students’ lives is something I am looking forward to, spending my time on them, whether that be organising theatre trips or extracurricular activities, and having that responsibility is all I could ever want. I can’t wait to take a group of year 7s through to A levels and see them through the years grow into a confident and self-made drama practitioner.


What were the three best things about the programme?

  • SCITT Fridays! These were training days that involved specialist training, catching up with friends and sharing our experiences. It was a perfect end to a busy week where we could participate in activities whilst also having the time to reflect on our week.


  • The amount of time spent in schools. Being in school much more than the traditional university route, helped me really get to know the students and staff whilst also making great relationships with them.


  • Knowing that you had the support somewhere, whether that be from the SCITT leadership team, your subject expert, subject mentor, professional mentor or most importantly your fellow trainees! I could not have done this without them. There was always someone there to listen and help.


Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School

Holmes Chapel




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